Dr. Erik Ehmann

Dr. Erik Ehmann, LL.M. (Berkeley)


Professional career

2000 – 2003 lecturer at the Leopold Wenger Institute for Ancient Legal History at the LMU Munich; 2005 – 2012 Lawyer and  Partner Weitnauer Rechtsanwälte, Munich; 2012 – 2016 Partner of the international law firm Beiten Burkhardt in Munich.


Studies at the Universities of Freiburg, Munich (Dr. iur. 2004) and Berkeley (LL.M. 2011); Legal clerkship in Munich and Auckland.


Dr. Erik Ehmann advises primarily on corporate law, employment law as well as (international) commercial and contract law. Particular attention is paid to advising medium-sized companies as well as start-ups and VC investors. In addition, he advises managing directors, board members and senior executives on the conclusion of service and termination agreements as well as on termination and liability issues. He has considerable experience in litigation and arbitration of any magnitude and sometimes acts as an arbitrator.

Commercial and Corporate Law

Acquisition and succession of companies

Venture capital, startups and employee participation

Employment law, especially for executives

Manager liability and shareholder disputes

Litigation and Arbitration

Other activities and publications

Dr. Erik Ehmann teaches corporate law and international law at Kempten University of Applied Sciences. He has  written the section on manager liability in the Handbook Corporate Litigation and is the author of the commentary on the German Stock Corporation Act edited by Prof. Dr. Grigoleit.

Other major publications

Intentional avoidance in standard market exchange transactions after the reform of insolvency avoidance – explanation of the remaining risks and proposals for avoidance prophylaxis, in: Zeitschrift für das Gesamte Wirtschaftsrecht (GWR) 2018, 81, in the original: Vorsatzanfechtung bei marktüblichen Austauschgeschäften nach der Reform der Insolvenzanfechtung – Erläuterung der verbleibenden Risiken und Vorschläge zur Anfechtungsprophylaxe, in: Zeitschrift für das Gesamte Wirtschaftsrecht (GWR) 2018, 81

Witness Coaching – US witness preparation practices: permissible and useful in German civil proceedings? in: Dispute Resolution, Online Magazine for Dispute Resolution, Issue 03, September 2014, in the original:  Witness Coaching – US-amerikanische Praktiken der Zeugenvorbereitung: zulässig und sinnvoll im deutschen Zivilprozess? in: Dispute Resolution, Online Magazin für Streitbeilegung, Ausgabe 03, September 2014

11 commandments to avoid liability for GmbH managing directors, in the original:  11 Gebote zur Haftungsvermeidung für GmbH-Geschäftsführer

Craftsman Ltd: 7 liability traps for managing directors, in the original:  Handwerker-GmbH: 7 Haftungsfallen für Geschäftsführer

Recovery of payments made to buy off rescission actions under company law, in Neue Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht (NZG) 2013, 806, in the original:  Rückforderung von zum Abkauf von aktienrechtlichen Anfechtungsklagen geleisteten Zahlungen, in Neue Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht (NZG) 2013, 806

Cancellation of the Basis of Business of Profit Participation Rights in the Event of the Issuer’s Grouping (together with a discussion of BGH, Judgment of 28 May 2013 – II ZR 67/12), in: AG 2013, 751, in the original:  Wegfall der Geschäftsgrundlage von Genussrechten bei Konzernierung der Emittentin (zugleich Besprechung von BGH, Urteil vom 28. 5. 2013 – II ZR 67/12), in: AG 2013, 751

Term tricks with executive board contracts, FAZ 17.11.2009, in the original: Laufzeittricks mit Vorstandsverträgen, FAZ vom 17.11.2009

Sanctions against abusive avoidance actions by predatory shareholders, in: ZIP 2008, 751, in the original: Sanktionen gegen mißbräuchliche Anfechtungsklagen räuberischer Aktionäre, in: ZIP 2008, 751

The acknowledgement of debt, in: Wertpapiermitteilungen (WM) 2007, 329, in the original: Das Schuldanerkenntnis, in: Wertpapiermitteilungen (WM) 2007, 329

Acknowledgement of debt and settlement, Verlag C.H. Beck, 2005 (also dissertation LMU Munich), in the original: Schuldanerkenntnis und Vergleich, Verlag C.H. Beck, 2005 (auch dissertation LMU München)

Working languages

German and English


Born in Heidelberg in 1975 – raised in Trier on the Moselle – he enjoys skiing, playing tennis and enjoying being with his family

Law firm
Dr. Timo Ehmann
Stefanie Faltor

Ehmann & Ehmann

Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB
Beethovenstraße 23
87435 Kempten

Dr. Erik Ehmann
T +49 831 206978-50
F +49 831 206978-59